This way, if 20 people in the same state are using the same Steve Player system for a particular drawing, they will all be playing the same numbers. They also include wheeling systems which offer you specific levels of coverage and prize guarantees for those numbers. Most of the Lottery systems you will find on this site are designed to give you the actual numbers to play for any given drawing. However, they were all playing different numbers, their own numbers, and the wheels which they used simply allowed them to play more than just 5 or 6 numbers. As of this writing, 40 people have won Lotto Jackpots using the Gail Howard wheeling systems. If you are playing the wrong numbers, no wheeling system in the world is going to help you. A wheeling system is designed to allow you to play your own chosen numbers for a predetermined level of coverage. Although I would be the first to recommend these wheeling systems, it is important to understand that they do not pick the numbers for you. The most popular of these books are offered by Gail Howard. There are many excellent books on the market dealing with the art of wheeling your numbers. Through the use of well-designed systems, this idea of field reduction becomes a feasible way to achieve profitability in your playing. By reducing the numbers field to between ten and twelve numbers, cost-effective systems can be employed which offer the player excellent levels of coverage. Too much emphasis has, in the past, been placed on boxing and wheeling large groups of numbers, at great expense, and with minimal coverage.

This may sound like an understatement, but it is actually the most universally overlooked aspect among many would-be winners. The key to successful Pick-5 and Pick-6 Lotto playing is reducing the variable field, which is the actual field of numbers in your State game, down to a more manageable number.