Navigating on the map is a very easy task, as the player will only need to click on a location he would like to go and click on a waypoint button to plot out the most efficient way of getting to their destination. There are variants of these classes, such as heavy fighters, light bombers, etc. Freighters are ideal for the player who likes to trade commodities to earn cash. Fighters are more suited to fighting bombers and other fighters.

Bombers are ideal for taking out capital ships and stations. There are also different classes of ships, such as bombers, which are slower, heavily shielded and heavily armed. In Freelancer, there are different varieties of shields that have strengths and weaknesses to different types of weapons. There are also hard points for engine improvements, and for shields. Depending on the class, some ships can not use the higher class weapons. Each ship has a limited number of spaces for weapon hard points, and each type of weapon has a class assigned to it. Each ship has a certain number of hard points for upgrading the ship. Also, the player is limited to owning only a single ship. In Freelancer, the player can pilot single person ships only there is no option to pilot capital ships. With the credits, players can buy equipment, ship parts, ships, weapons and ammunition. Earth minerals and other strange alien minerals can be mined from the debris and the player can tractor these materials into their cargo hold. Mining is also another way of creating an income however it is not the most efficient the player will have to go to a marked mining field on the navmap and shoot at debris floating by the ship. Therefore it is in the players best interest to shop around before buying or selling goods. The price of an item in on one planet may be higher on another. The markets are always steady and can not fluctuate because of the player's actions. Trading is also available as an option for earning credits through the universe's markets, although the economic system in Freelancer is very basic. ships and with more enemies will provide a better payout. Missions that provide less assistance from other A.I.

The player gathers credits by completing missions given by NPCs. Each ship has different attributes which may or may not be useful to the player.įreelancer's flight mechanics were made to be novice-friendly and thus controls over the facing of the ship are controlled by the cursor while engine direction outputs are controlled by the typical W-S-A-D keyboard layout however joystick control is also supported. The player may also purchase more advanced ships as the game progresses. Every mission, regardless of type, takes place in space. Different jobs are accepted by conversing with NPCs or checking out the job board at planetary bars. One can be a fighter pilot for hire, a space pirate, a bounty hunter or the captain of a cargo vessel. The player has several options in regards to how he or she builds wealth and power in the Freelancer galaxy. Trent quickly discovers that all of the survivors from the station begin to vanish or are found dead and has to do what ever is necessary to make sure he does not meet the same fate. The main story involves Trent discovering a conspiracy and a cover up concerning what really happened on Freeport 7 and why it was destroyed. His contact in the LSF is Commander Jun'ko Zane, who provides him with a small basic starfighter. Trent takes up employment with the Liberty Security Force while waiting for associate to wake up from a coma in the hospital. The player assumes control of one of the survivors, Edison Trent, who is now without money or a ship on the planet Manhattan. The opening scene when starting the single-player mode shows the destruction of space station Freeport 7 by unknown forces. To prevent the player from amassing too much wealth and equipment on the side and making the key missions too easy, the current key mission must be completed before the player is allowed to advance a level. There are no time limits to complete these missions, and the player can ignore and "pause" the story to take on side missions instead. Freelancer's story, shown in two hours worth of in-game cut scenes, only exists in single-player mode.The story is linear without any branches and can only be advanced when the player takes on key missions one at a time.